Massachusetts auto insurance coverage and policy options

Get the coverage you need at the right price

Selecting the right insurance coverages for your needs is one of the most important parts of buying car insurance. And because not all insurance policies are the same, you’ll need to be sure your policy satisfies minimum levels of coverage in Massachusetts while including any additional types of coverage to give you the level of protection you want.

Whether you’ve just moved, are buying your first policy or are simply switching from another carrier to Plymouth Rock Assurance, there are several insurance requirements that you’ll want to note. Plymouth Rock also offers optional coverages that you’ll likely want to consider to make sure you have the right level of protection.

Don’t worry – Plymouth Rock Assurance makes selecting coverage and discounts easy for customers. And we’re here to help, along with your independent agent, if you have a question or want more information.

Compulsory coverage

There are four types of compulsory insurance that you are required to purchase under state law. Compulsory insurance is the minimum amount of coverage required by state law. These four compulsory coverages are:

Bodily Injury to Others protects you against legal liability for the accidental injury or death of others (but not your passengers) caused by the operation of your car, but only if the accident occurs in MA.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) pays for medical expenses, replacement services and 75% of any lost wages. PIP will pay these expenses to you or anyone you let drive your car, anyone living in your household, passengers and pedestrians, no matter who causes the accident.

Bodily Injury Caused by an Uninsured Auto protects you, anyone you let drive your car, household members and passengers (unless covered by another policy with similar coverage) against losses caused by an uninsured or unidentified (“hit and run”) driver.

Damage to Someone Else’s Property pays for damage to another person’s property when you, a household member or another authorized driver cause an accident.

Optional coverage

Accidents can often result in damage that exceeds the state required coverage limits. Depending on your individual needs, you might want to purchase increased limits on required coverages like Optional Bodily Injury to Others, Bodily Injury Caused by an Uninsured Auto, Damage to Someone Else’s Property, or consider additional types of coverages.

Here are some examples of optional car insurance coverage that Plymouth Rock offers:

Medical Payments Coverage pays for reasonable expenses for necessary medical and funeral services incurred by certain individuals as a result of an accident up to the coverage limits you select.

Collision pays for any direct and accidental damage to your car if the accident is a collision between your car and another physical object (like another car).

Limited Collision pays for direct and accidental damage to your car if the accident is a multiple vehicle collision but only if you were 50% or less at fault for the accident.

Comprehensive pays for damage to your car caused by events such as fire, theft or vandalism; in other words, damage caused by something other than a collision.

Substitute Transportation reimburses you for a rental car or other substitute transportation up to your selected daily reimbursable limit and up to your selected number of reimbursable days if your car is damaged due to a covered Comprehensive, Collision or Limited Collision claim.

Towing and Labor  pays up to the limit you have selected per disablement for the cost of towing your car to a repair shop when it is unable to be driven.

Enhanced auto insurance coverage

Replacement cost coverage – Replacement Cost Coverage usually reimburses you for the full cost of replacing the items you lose, rather than simply reimbursing you for the value of the item at the time it was lost.

Condo Insurance

Massachusetts Auto Insurance Packages

 Plymouth Rock’s Assurance Packages can help you build a policy that meets your specific needs, through a variety of coverages, features and benefits.

As a Plymouth Rock customer, you automatically have access to immediate benefits at no additional cost, and these benefits grow with time! You also have the option of adding upgrades to your policy.

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Explore insurance resources

One of the most important things to understand about the process of buying car insurance is that no two policies are created equal. You want to choose the policy that best meets your own needs.
At Plymouth Rock, we go out of our way to make getting the right car insurance as easy and stress-free. We break down what you need.
Here is everything you need to know about car insurance costs in Massachusetts, what coverages you need and how you can save money.

See how much you can save

Related products

This is just a brief summary of these coverages. Additional terms and exclusions apply. Actual coverage is subject to the language of the policy as issued. Please refer to your policy for more information or contact a local independent Plymouth Rock agent.