You may be wondering, “How much does condo insurance cost?” These guidelines will give you an idea.
What does renters insurance cover? The backbone is personal property, protection for all your stuff, and more.
The goal of home insurance is to give you and your family the peace of mind you deserve. Find out what it covers.
An inspection helps your insurance company accurately price your premium. So what do insurance home inspectors look for? Usually they examine your plumbing, HVAC, electrical systems and roof for signs of damage.
Home insurance doesn’t cover the underground service lines that run beneath your property. If they get damaged, you’re responsible for fixing them. Thankfully, you can protect yourself by adding service line coverage to your home insurance policy.
Actual cash value (ACV) and replacement cost value (RCV) are two ways that insurance companies pay out claims for damaged or stolen property. Which one is right for your home insurance policy? Keep reading to find out.
“Should I buy or build a house,” is a common question in the housing market. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Which one you choose depends on what’s right for your needs.
Protecting your home against floods is more important than ever. Learn how to prevent home flooding as much as you possibly can.
If you’re a homeowner, you may wonder, “Does home insurance cover ice storms?” The answer depends on a few factors. Keep reading to find out if your home policy covers you.
All it takes is one mishap to start a fire in your home. Follow these home fire safety tips to keep your family protected and your home safe.
The declarations page of your home insurance policy captures the key parts of your policy. It helps you quickly understand all of your coverages, limits, discounts and more.
Having too much homeowners insurance can be costly. Find out if your home is overinsured and what you can do about it.
Most insurance carriers want to inspect your home before they finalize your policy. Find out how to prepare for a home inspection.
Home insurance rates vary from company to company. So how is home insurance calculated? There are several factors involved.
What happens if a contractor causes damage to your property? Accidents can happen. Find out if you’re covered by your homeowners insurance.
Medical Payments coverage protects you if guests are injured on your property, whether or not you’re to blame. And it’s part of your homeowners insurance policy!
Loss of Use coverage helps pay for your living expenses if your home is damaged and you’re forced out. It’s a standard part of homeowners insurance.
Personal Property coverage pays to replace your personal items if they’re damaged or stolen. Does your home insurance policy cover you?
Setting up an escrow account helps you pay for property taxes and other bills. But how does home insurance work with escrow?
As a renter, you can pick your deductible amount. So what is a good deductible for renters insurance? We explain here.
Is the level of radon in your home too high? The only way to know for sure is to get a radon test completed. Let us explain.
Follow this home maintenance checklist to keep your home and yard in tip-top shape. Common sense tasks for every season.
As a homeowner, you can choose your deductible amount. So what is a good deductible for home insurance? Keep reading to find out.