Read about what to do if your car is stolen, how to report it and get compensation and what to do if your car is recovered.
Even when you haven’t made any claims or been at fault for an accident, there’s a good likelihood that you are seeing at least a slight increase each year.
If your car has been flooded, here are steps to take and important information to consider.
A driver has hit your car while you were in the store, and now there’s damage! What should you do? In most cases, the most important thing you can do is to stay calm.
As if we didn't already have enough to stress about during the COVID-19 crisis, what if your driver's license, registration or inspection sticker isn't up to date?
If you are a Plymouth Rock customer facing financial hardship due to COVID-19 that may impact your ability to pay your premium, contact us to discuss how we can help
Fluctuating winter temperatures have been wreaking havoc on our roadways and our cars. Pothole season is officially here.
Icicles hanging from your home’s roof may look dazzling, but they can also be a sign of ice dams.
The answer in your case, of course, will depend on what kind of car you drive. But, there’s an easy way to find out.
As many of us are returning to work, we're faced with the challenge of driving with sun glare, which is most prominent during rush hour. Make your commute a safe one.
Most of us likely associate the daunting winter months with harsh driving conditions. But what some people might forget are the strong winds and torrential downpours that summer storms can bring.
Driving in the rain can bring many situations that require a little extra caution to keep everyone traveling safely on the road.
Confront winter weather with these 10 safety tips for driving in snow and ice.
Whether you’re selling soon or just want a few updates, you don’t need to spend a fortune to give your home a fresh clean look.
Being a first-time homeowner can be exciting … and overwhelming. Avoid common mistakes made by new homeowners with these home care hacks.
We all dread seeing it. What is that blinking light on my dashboard? Use this handy infographic to help better understand what your car is telling you.
If you're like most drivers, chances are you’ve experienced aggressive driving. From excessive honking to physical altercations, dangerous decisions plague our roads.
If you own a car in NJ, you cannot drive it unless you purchase automobile liability insurance that complies with the state’s minimum coverage statutes.
If you want to learn how to insure a new car in Massachusetts or add an additional car, just know that Plymouth Rock is here to help.
If you are new to a no-fault auto insurance state or you have not considered its implications, you may want to consider how this system defines your coverage.