Whether it’s to save money on premiums or to look for higher quality service like what Plymouth Rock offers, changing insurance companies is easier than you’d think. Here’s how to switch car insurance companies and what to keep in mind when you do.
Reasons to change car insurance
You can switch your insurance company at any time. A good time to consider changing insurance companies is when your personal situation and needs change. There are lots of reasons why you may want to look into switching car insurance companies, but here are some of the more common ones.
Buying a home and bundling homeowners
If you need insurance on both your home and car, consider getting your policies from the same company.
You can save on your car and homeowners insurance when you bundle them at Plymouth Rock. It’s a good idea to bundle policies not only for convenience, but for the savings.
We don’t just offer savings on home and auto bundles. Now you can save when you bundle your motorcycle or renters policies with auto, too!
Adding a new driver or car
The age of the driver, the type of car you insure and other aspects may affect how your insurance company charges for coverage. If you need to add a new driver or car, it’s a good time to compare policies again.
At Plymouth Rock, having multiple vehicles on the same policy can help you save. Our Multi-Car discount ensures you get the best value. On top of that, we make it easy for you to manage all of your drivers and vehicles.
Even when you’re moving within the state, a change of town may mean different rates. Take a look with your new ZIP code and compare rates again. If you’re moving to another state where your current car insurance company does not operate, there’s not much you can do but look at other options.
And while you’re looking, remember to check for bundling discounts like renters or homeowners.
Driving less
You may be driving less if you’ve changed to a remote job, have retired or moved downtown. Usage-based insurance can help you save with a discount customized to your own driving habits.
Our YUBI program* can help you save big on car insurance. YUBI lets your driving speak for itself and can help you earn a discount based on your safe driving habits.
Unique benefits and service
You may wish to switch companies if you’re looking for a better service experience. Plymouth Rock offers regional expertise to our auto insurance customers. Here are just a few of the great unique benefits we have:
- Crashbusters
Car accidents are stressful, but filing an insurance claim shouldn’t be. With our Crashbusters program, we’ll send a Plymouth Rock representative to appraise the damage at a time and place that’s convenient for you. With Crashbusters, the claims settlement process will start promptly. Getting your car up and running after an accident is our top priority. In many cases, you’ll get a check on the spot, so you can get your repairs started right away. - Door to Door Valet Claim Service
Plymouth Rock’s Door to Door Valet Claim Service** takes some of the stress and worry out of car accidents. When you choose our Door to Door Valet Claim Service, you’ll never have to leave your home or office to get your car fixed. We’ll pick up your car, transport it to your preferred Door-to-Door shop and bring it back when it’s done. - Get Home Safe
Sometimes it’s better to get a ride than to operate your own vehicle. Plymouth Rock Assurance wants to help prevent accidents, not just respond after they happen. With Get Home Safe***, if you’re too tired to drive, had a little too much wine with dinner or just don’t feel safe operating your vehicle, rest assured — your taxi fare will be on us.
How to switch car insurance
Whatever your reason, switching your insurance policy can be easy if you follow these steps.
Identify your needs
As your personal circumstances change, so too do your insurance needs. Think about the amount of coverage you need, the deductible level you’re comfortable paying and additional coverages you’re looking for.
Get quotes
Not all insurers will provide the same coverage for the same price. It’s smart to get multiple quotes from different insurance companies, both big and small. The best rates don’t always come from the national providers. What might be best for others may not be the best for you.
Use the same coverage limits and deductible amounts when comparing policies to get a more accurate look at pricing. This way, you’ll be making a more direct comparison between the actual insurance products.
Local providers like Plymouth Rock can tailor coverage to fit your needs with community expertise and friendly service. We’ll make sure you get the right coverage for the right price.
Be sure to inquire about any discounts you may qualify for. At Plymouth Rock, we have a variety of discounts to save you money. Click here to explore all the ways we can help you save.
Purchase the policy that checks your boxes
When you’ve found the policy that has everything you need for the right price, purchase it! Most states require you to have car insurance, so it’s a good idea to have your new policy start before you cancel your previous one. Gaps in insurance coverage can make buying insurance more costly in the future
Get a copy of your policy
Once you’ve sealed the deal, save the documents for your records. Print out a physical copy to keep with you in your car while you wait for your paper insurance card, if required by your state. If you have a digital card, save it to your phone for offline access.
Cancel your old insurance
After your new policy is in effect, have your old insurance policy cancelled. It’s best to wait at least a day after your new policy begins, so you don’t have any lapses. If your previous plan was set up for automatic billing, be sure to cancel it either with the insurance company or your bank and get a confirmation.
Notify your lender if you have a loan or lease your car. Your lender’s information should be listed on your new policy, but don’t assume they would be notified. Give them a call immediately and let them know you’re switching providers.
Make the switch
Now that you know how to switch insurance companies, make the switch to Plymouth Rock today and you could save big. Call 800-516-9242, get your free quote online or find a local agent to see how Plymouth Rock Assurance can help you.
How to switch car insurance FAQ
Depending on the company, you may have to pay a cancellation fee. You may also lose loyalty benefits from your current company.
Yes, but consider your current insurance company’s refund and cancellation policies. Savings you make by switching may be negated by any penalties for cancelling a policy early. A good time to switch car insurance companies is right before your current coverage period is up.
Moving to another state is a great time reconsider your car insurance coverage. If your current company does not operate in your new state, you’ll need to find a new company anyway. It’s likely that your new state will have different insurance coverage requirements that you’ll need to consider when selecting a policy.
Use your address in the new state for your new policy, and be sure that you don’t have any gaps in your coverage dates.
Switching too often (multiple times in a year) can drive up your rates across the board, no matter which company you look for.
It’s a good idea to have your new insurance start before your old one expires. Gaps in coverage can make purchasing insurance more costly in the future. It’s better to have some overlap than a gap in coverage.
If you need to cancel your policy early, you may incur some penalties like a cancellation fee, depending on the company.
Unless you want to pay for two insurance policies on the same vehicle, cancel your old insurance. Just make sure your new policy comes into effect before your previous one is cancelled or expires.
Switching your car insurance does not affect your credit score.
You can change car insurance companies any time during the year. There are things to consider when switching, like refund policies and cancellation fees if they apply.
Typically, insurance providers won’t change your rates immediately after an accident. That will be calculated when considering your rate for the next policy period. If you switch before your current policy period expires, the new insurance policy will reflect that accident. You may have to pay a higher rate sooner.
*YUBI not available in NY
**Some discounts, coverages, payment plans, features and benefits are not available in all states or companies. Door to Door Valet Claim Service is available in CT, NH, NJ, PA, NY and MA.
***Terms and conditions may apply.