Explore the truth behind car insurance myths. Learn the facts about coverage, costs and claims to make informed decisions about your policy.
Regardless of which way you choose, auto insurance quotes through Plymouth Rock are free and there’s no obligation after you receive your quote.
Read information about how much insurance will pay for your totaled car and what happens when insurance totals it.
New York Insurance Law §2612 provides certain rights to victims of domestic violence, including privacy protections and protections from discrimination, described below.
If you’re searching for differences between 5 and 6 speed manual transmissions, you probably have some experience driving stick.
A driver has hit your car while you were in the store, and now there’s damage! What should you do? In most cases, the most important thing you can do is to stay calm.
If your car has been flooded, here are steps to take and important information to consider.
Even when you haven’t made any claims or been at fault for an accident, there’s a good likelihood that you are seeing at least a slight increase each year.
Read about what to do if your car is stolen, how to report it and get compensation and what to do if your car is recovered.
So you have a second car that you need to add to your auto insurance policy. Reasons for needing a second car insurance policy may involve many different life-change events.
As if we didn't already have enough to stress about during the COVID-19 crisis, what if your driver's license, registration or inspection sticker isn't up to date?
Distracted driving prevention is a growing concern. Learn about its risks and get tips on how to stay focused on the road.
Failure to report the accident could make it more difficult for your insurance company to gather evidence to represent you.
A pothole can cause serious damage to your car, such as tire damage, rim damage, premature wear on shocks and struts, suspension damage and steering misalignment.
If you’re planning to allow someone else to drive your car, it’s natural to wonder if those drivers are covered and, if so, under whose policy?
It happens. You parked your car in a perfectly legal manner, but another driver misjudged distance when they tried to park or open their door.
Your car insurance policy with collision and comprehensive coverage includes a deductible which is the amount of money you are responsible to pay when you file an insurance claim.
Plymouth Rock in New Jersey has rideshare insurance for Uber or Lyft drivers that can help you better protect yourself while participating in the sharing economy.
Here are some of our auto insurance companies' favorite destinations and drives that bring you to a variety of historical and natural gems.
If you're like most drivers, chances are you’ve experienced aggressive driving. From excessive honking to physical altercations, dangerous decisions plague our roads.