13 kitchen essentials for your first apartment

person cutting vegetables in a kitchen

Moving into your first apartment can be an exciting prospect, though it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you need to fill your first place. The kitchen can be one of the more expensive spaces to stock, but the good news is that you can start out with a few essentials and pick up anything else you need as you go! Here are 13 kitchen essentials for your first apartment:

1. A 10- or 12-inch frying pan and a large sauce pot (both with lids)

A non-stick pan and pot will definitely be useful, especially for brunch fare like omelets. When it comes to a frying pan, a solid cast iron pan will literally last forever. Last point: lids for your pots and pans are incredibly useful – you’ll definitely want them.

2. Storage containers

Leftovers will be common, especially if you’re only cooking for one. Make sure you’ve got a set of quality (either durable plastic or glass) storage containers so you can easily store and reheat leftovers. These are also great for meal prep (if that’s your thing)!

3. A toaster oven

Toaster ovens are extremely versatile appliances, with most having the ability to not just toast food, but bake and broil as well. Plus, they don’t take up much counter space.

4. Basic utensils

Cooking and serving utensils, such as these, are also a must:

  • Spatula
  • Whisk
  • Large serving spoon
  • Tongs

5. Dishes and silverware

It’s time to ditch the paper plates and plastic forks. Grab a set of plates, bowls, mugs, and basic utensils (forks, knives, and spoons) so you have enough for a few people.

6. Two sharp knives: 8-inch chef; 3- or 4-inch paring

Preparing a meal is difficult without a sharp chef’s knife. It’s one of the most versatile tools in your kitchen. You’ll also want a 3- or 4-inch paring knife for more delicate tasks. Completely optional is a 10-inch serrated knife (which can double as a bread knife). You can invest in a knife sharpener later.

7. Can opener

You do not want to be caught without a can opener when you’re in the middle of making dinner. Automatic electric ones are overkill for your first place. Look for a manual “safety” can opener – it doesn’t have a clamp action, so you won’t pinch your fingers.

8. Trash can

This one is easily overlooked, but it’s an absolute essential. The bigger the trash can you can find, the fewer trips you’ll need to make to take the trash out to your community dumpster.

9. Two cutting boards

Don’t lose out on your security deposit by chopping food directly on your counter tops! Opt for plastic cutting boards (skip the wooden or glass). You’ll want one large and one small board.

10. Oven mitts

Protect those hands when sliding food into and out of the oven. You can never have too many of these, and they’re cheap, so pick up a few!

11. Corkscrew

This is one of those things that if you don’t have it, you’re kind of up a creek. Sure, they’re some whackadoodle ways of getting corks out without a corkscrew, but it’s just way easier to pick one up now.

12. Stick blender

This is a versatile tool – you can use it to blend small items or use it to blend things right in your sauce pot (soups, sauces, etc).

13. Coffee Maker

Because buying coffee at a shop everyday isn’t great for your finances.

With these essentials on-board, you’ll have everything you need to prepare and enjoy some of your first meals in your new apartment. Something else to check off the list? Make sure all your new stuff is protected.

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